Universal Life
Universal Life Insurance plans combine permanent life insurance protection with optional investment opportunities. Universal Life Insurance allows you the option to accumulate wealth on a tax sheltered basis. The funds inside your policy can grow on a tax sheltered basis and be paid to your beneficiary tax free in the event of a death claim.
The accumulation of funds in the policy can be used to:
Pay future premiums
Supplement your retirement income
Provide funds for unexpected expenses
Universal Life Insurance policies offer:
Level Cost of Insurance plans
Joint First to Die
Joint Last to Die (this is a low cost level premium plan that is used for estate protection)
The Joint Last to Die plans can be issued with:
Premiums payable until the death of the second insured
Premiums payable until the death of the first insured and then the policy is made fully paid up
Please contact our office for a quotation to suit your personal needs and circumstances.