Critical Illness
Critical illness is an insurance plan that provides a lump sum benefit of $25,000 up to $2,000,000 if you are diagnosed with a covered illness.
Benefits are payable after a 30 day survival period following a diagnosis of a covered illness.
The three most common critical illnesses are heart attack, stroke and cancer. Please contact our office for a full list of the covered illnesses.
The critical illness plan provides a benefit for those:
Who want to compliment an existing disability coverage, or
Whose income does not permit the purchase of additional disability coverage
Options that can be added:
Return of premium on death ( see policy document for details and percentage of premiums returned)
Return of premium on surrender of the policy ( see policy document for details and percentage of premiums returned
Group Benefits
We are able to offer Critical Illness Coverage on a group basis to companies with ten or more employees without medical evidence. Please contact our office for details.